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Publication date: 20.01.2020
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Stefania Manetti joined the Institute of Management and EMbeDS as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working at the Management and Health Laboratory. Previously, she was Research Associate in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) at the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London.

Her research focuses on the use of real-world evidence (RWE) and integration of multidimensional measurement frameworks, such as health technology assessment (HTA) and clinical practice guidelines, to define and test new models of healthcare governance for planning, implementation, and management of biomedical technology-based interventions in different clinical settings.

Stefania applies a cross-disciplinary, multi-method, and multi-stakeholder approach to assess the multidimensional performance of new or novel medical devices into routine clinical practice. She is currently evaluating the impact of home telecare into Italian/UK NHS at population level. She is also working on Patient Reported Outcome and Experience (PRO/PRE) measures in robotic surgery. Stefania was recently appointed Honorary Research Associate at the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London. She is member of the Health technology Assessment international (HTAi) Real-World Evidence (RWE) Interest Group and member of the International Federation of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (IFMBE), Health Technology Assessment Division (HTAD). She has been a peer reviewer for journals such as PLoS One, BMC Health Services Research, Value in Health, International Journal of Cardiology.

She studied BioMedical Engineering at University of Pisa and completed her Ph.D. in Healthcare Innovation Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. During her PhD, she visited the Public Health Science Department at Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), and the Nuffield Department of Population Health, Health Economics Research Centre (HERC) at University of Oxford, to advance her knowledge on epidemiology and health economics. She was President of the Doctoral Student Chapter at the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR).

What are Stefania’s plans for this new chapter of her academic career, in connection with the objectives of EMbeDS? "The biggest challenge of my research will be to develop and test an empirical-based framework for managing innovative medical devices alongside current clinical pathways with a population-based perspective. This research will allow us to shift towards new models of healthcare governance for post-market surveillance of biomedical technologies, which is currently lacking, able to inform patients and society on medium and long-term effects related with the medical device usage in clinical practice and preserve public health in a more transparent and effective way."